Metabase Insights for Decisions

Problem Statement:

The client needed a company-wide tool for querying, visualizing, and sharing data, empowering employees to perform their own analytics. This shift would allow the data team to focus on more complex tasks. Additionally, they wanted to transition from their proprietary Inetsoft reporting solution to an open-source platform.

Solution Overview:

Solution includes deployment of Metabase on AWS EC2 as the client’s open-source reporting platform, replacing Inetsoft and integrating multiple databases like Snowflake, Redshift, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. Active Directory (AD) integration was implemented for secure user authentication, with role-based access control to manage permissions. We enabled cross-database reporting, automated report scheduling, and leveraged Metabase’s API for seamless application integration. Finally, we optimized performance and provided user training for smooth adoption across the organization.

    Tech Stack Leveraged:

    Metabase: The primary open-source reporting and visualization tool for querying and displaying data.
    AWS EC2: Hosted the Metabase application on an EC2 instance, providing scalable and reliable infrastructure.
    MySQL Aurora: Used for hosting the Metabase database, storing metadata and user configurations.
    Presto: Employed as a data layer for querying specific types of databases, enabling efficient data access.
    Active Directory (AD) Integration: Used for user authentication and managing role-based access within Metabase.
    Snowflake, Redshift, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server: Onboarded as source data systems to the Metabase reporting tool.

    This tech stack enabled a robust, scalable, and secure reporting solution, allowing the client to efficiently manage and visualize their data.

    Benefits Delivered:

    Self-Service Analytics: Enabled true self-service analytics across the organization, empowering teams from product, engineering, finance, sales, and success to explore and monitor data independently.
    Data-Driven Decision-Making: Fostered a data-driven culture by allowing employees to easily create and analyze reports, leading to more informed decision-making.
    Cost Savings: Eliminated the need for costly Inetsoft licenses by transitioning to an open-source Metabase platform.
    Centralized Reporting: Consolidated ad hoc reporting and alerting tasks onto a single platform, simplifying the reporting process.
    Cross-Database Reporting: Implemented cross-database reporting capabilities, allowing users to create reports from multiple databases without needing to build a data warehouse.
    Role-Based Access Control: Enhanced security and compliance by setting up role-based access, ensuring that users only have access to the databases and features relevant to their roles.
    Automated Report Scheduling: Provided the ability to schedule reports, ensuring that key stakeholders receive critical information at desired frequencies.

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