Zabbix Monitoring

Problem Statement:

A property renovation company in the US operated a monolithic application built on the .NET framework, incorporating a few external integrations for payment and mobile support. Operating on a limited infrastructure, they aimed to avoid significant expenditure. However, faced with a substantial increase in order volume and reporting demands, the application experienced a 3X surge in load, leading to performance deterioration. The challenges manifested as:

  • Increased Latency
  • Connection pool issues
  • Database Overload
  • Storage Capacity Concerns
  • Service unavailability impacting business SLAs

Solution Implemented:

While, application team started the optimization journey, it became crucial to establish proactive monitoring to facilitate preemptive actions, ensuring enhanced availability. The solution needed to be both open source and cost-effective.
Zabbix was considered as a low-cost solution primarily due to its open-source nature and several factors that contribute to minimizing the total cost of ownership (TCO).

Outcome and Benefit:

  • Provided real-time visibility which helped in identification of load patterns.
  • Helped detecting memory leakage and I/O-related issues.
  • Early detection of anomalies due to alerting mechanism.
  • Achieved higher availability with automation and remediation.
  • Identified slow queries and resolution.
  • Helped achieve proactive capacity planning.

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